Monday, December 06, 2010

What A Busy Weekend!

After the mousie incident, the house had to be inspected and after it was deemed free of mice; there was much cleanin' to be done. Puck and I helped with the dustin'.

Then Humom let me go onto the porch to Hunt...
I contemplated where to hunt first...
This is where I hunted. Most of the stuff here is freebie stuff that the Humans find when they go huntin'. The blue chair thingies were not free. They are a pair of seats from the Old Mile High Stadium. The dresser in the back is where I focused my attention. The mousie scent was strongest there.
I looked in the drawer...
I thought I heard a noise over there...
I went back to hunt in the drawer...
All I found was a mess. A mess of sunflower seed shells. Some mouse has been very busy.

After I went in, Humom continued the Hunt. This is what she found...
 Lookit the mousie, right below the yellow sunflower
 Its still there...
 Do you see its big ears?
Here is a closeup, Look on the right and you can see some more mouse feets.

Here is where the mousie got in.
 A gap in the floor...
that is no longer there.  

After a day of vigorous huntin'; I needed a much deserved snuggle.
    With Human.


Blogger Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! That is a real life mousie! That must have been a great hunt!

Mon Dec 06, 01:41:00 PM 2010  
Blogger A few Good Cats said...

Well done, Petey! You deserve a reward for that fine bit of hunting.

Tue Dec 07, 06:28:00 AM 2010  
Blogger Phoenix Chiu said...

A good hunt.

Tue Dec 07, 12:08:00 PM 2010  

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