Sunday, November 26, 2006

"Versary Day"

I forgot all about my gotcha day anniversary and my blogiversary. They are on the same day. I've been bloggin' for 1 year and have given my humans the pleasure of my presence for 4 years now. Alot has happened in the past year; and in the spirit of Thanksgiving; I'll share some of the highlights of the things that I'm thankful for:

The ongoing renovations of our accomodations. I will be forever employed in my postition of supervisor. (By the way, it doesn't look much different than this now-still not finished, like every other project. 3 in all)

I am very thankful for Baby havin' these and...

(They tell me that they have the squealin' wrigglers so that they can make money to keep us in the standard of livin' that we are accustomed to. Yeah, right.)

these (again). I'll be more thankful when they all go to their forever homes. (I have been reassured that all of these ones will be leaving next month. If'n your humans are so inclined to allow one of these into your home, this batch is available for Xmas delivery -just e-mail my humans for details. O.K. shameless plug done.)

But, I'm most thankful for days like this...

and this. And for having a place to do those things and having human servants whose sole mission in life is to make our lives as comfortable as possible.

Happy Turkey/Ham Day every cat and human. (I didn't get any of either. I don't like human food, too salty. I'll stick to my crunchies, thank you very much.)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Why I'm Peeved

As you can see. I'm pissed. Royally, pissed off. I love the mom more than anyone else, besides myself, but that woman has gone and lost it. First, there's been this moving of furniture and then a new little furball; who has taken over my command post in the bathroom. The bathroom is my room and now I never get to go in there and when I do, it stinks, "litter"ally. They had the nerve to put a stink box in my room; so when I do get to go in and get a drink; I just about gag from the stink of the little monster. Oh, and to top it all off, the woofie broodmare has gone and had another batch of shriekers and now I hardly ever get any attention from my servant 'cause she has to help take care of the new woofies. This sucks, royally-Princess Sooner

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tummy Tuesday Vol. 3

Sorry we're a little late, but this is a special edition of Tummy Tuesday. Here's the before photo of Baby's tummy.


Here is the after picture. All them squealin' little wrigglers were in there. 7 of them this time, born on 11/07/06 between 12 o'clock and 2 a.m. This is her third litter and the little cowprint fella under her back leg was the last to be born and brings the total of puppies borned to Chico and Baby to 16; and Baby is only 2 years old(born on 07/26/04). Who knew that chihuahua's had so many babies? I think they must be part rabbit; with all them babies poppin' out like that(15 this year alone). They also bounce and binky like bunnies do too. They have ears like a froot bat and are always bathin' themselves and each other; so they must be part cat also. Yet, the still make way too much noise, they have to be dogs. And if anycat is keepin' track; that brings the total of woofies in my house to 15 at the moment and only us 6 cats and 3 fishes. We still outnumber the humans servants 6:1

Monday, November 06, 2006

Midnite Monday

Our own little house panther HockeyPuck is back for another round of Midnite Monday. We could have used
this for Tummy Tuesday but we got something special for that. He's been growin' in leaps and bounds. He keeps me very busy with his kitten ways and he plays much more than HGL did when he was little. Never a dull moment with Puck the Prankster around. And notice his white patch on his chest. Okay, we gotta help the mom take care of the dogs now. Check back for TT it'll be a good one.